(left) Kim Yunsang
(right) Master Sejin Han
Master Sejin Han
was born in South Korea and grew up learning Taekwondo and Wushu. He began Modern Hapkido when he entered the elite Korea Military Academy (KMA), a 4-year institute similar to the United States Military Academy Westpoint.
He graduated from KMA in 2001 and embarked on his career as an artillery officer. In 2007, Master Han received his Master of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology in Ohio and later worked on War Game Simulations and guided missile development.
Despite his busy military career, Master Han continued his training in Modern Hapkido, receiving his 5th Dan in 2012. He also trained in Iaido, Muay Thai, and Kung-Fu. Although he felt he was at his strongest and had reached the pinnacle of training, he was searching for something deeper.
In 2013, Master Han met the Hapkiyusul* Successor, Kim Yunsang. For the first time, he witnessed unparalleled, unexplainable energy, skill and depth of mastery from an old man who barely weighed 100 pounds. Master Han realized that the only way to achieve this state and skill of hapki was through practicing the unaltered form of Hapkiyusul, as it was intended to be. As a disciple of Kim Yunsang, Master Han had experienced a fundamental change as a martial artist in his body, mind and spirit by learning the depth, knowledge and true understanding of hapki.
Because of the mobile nature and requirements of a military officer, it was far from easy to continue training under Kim Yunsang. However, his master was already advanced in years and realizing it was now or never, Master Han made the difficult decision to forgo military promotion in order to stay near and receive (‘be passed down’) the invaluable knowledge from Kim Yunsang.
After 20 honorable years of service, Master Han retired from the army as a Major and moved to the United States. He made a lifelong commitment to Kim Yunsang, before he passed away in June 2021, that he would preserve, teach, and propagate Hapkiyusul. Master Han is keeping this promise in Tacoma, WA.
*also known as Daitoryu Aikijujutsu or Daedongryu Hapkiyusul in Korean
lucille jun (staff)
A native to Federal Way, Lucille takes care of the administrative side of the dojang. She can also be found assisting in the youth classes and training in the evenings.